Meet George
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Practitioner and Qualified Performance Coach
Sought after for her pragmatic approach, fuelled with a creative passion, George has over 25 years of experience working with leading brands accessing so-called 'hard to reach' groups and addressing ED&I challenges.
Having worked as a senior manager specialising in behavioural change since 1998, her empathetic approach, coupled with tenacious determination, has yielded compelling results. Originally working for Europe's leading change management agency specialising in social change campaigns, she works with both individuals, as well as private and public sector organisations, providing training, coaching, and developing integrated inclusion strategies with an unswerving focus on obtaining true equity and business results.
Over the years, George's corporate portfolio has included, Logica and L’Oreal, and public sector clients have included The British Army, the Home Office, the European Parliament, the University of Southampton, Plymouth University & the University of Bath, NHS, NHSBT, the UK Sports Council & the Borders & Immigration Agency.